2010 Secret Santa Swap Pictures! (VERY IMAGE HEAVY!)

Lo. For many days and many nights a mysterious box lay untouched upon the desk of NectarineFire.

Until one fateful day on the eve of St. Nic's...
Rovam: Argh! Wot moight this be?

Rovam: "Seeekrit Saanta Swop??"

Rovam: BOOTY!!

*Heave* *Grunt*
Rovam: Heigh ho! Heigh ho! Plunder and Pillage-i-o!!


Fei: ...When the Elephants Fight... it is the Grass that Suffers...
Eh? What have we hear? You look like you could use some assistance?
Rovam: No fank you! Noffin of interest 'ere to nobuddy. Uh, so long farewell it's toym t'say g'bye an' all that!

Fei: Nonsense! It would be no trouble at all! All it takes is one of my Super-Duper Lightning-Strike-Mongoose-Foot-Style-chop-chippidy-chop-kicks! HEEEEEEEEYYAAAAAAAAH!

Fei: uhhhhh
Rovam: Oiv hit the JackPot Oi 'ave!!
Moon: What's all the commotion??

*sSsSpArKly SoUnDsSs* *0*
(Off stage): Paja: My dragon senses are tingling! Gleee! That can only mean one thing- treasure!!

Rovam: Argh! Not the overstuffed lizard! As you can see that makes four o' us and NO WAY ta divvy up the booty equally a-tween us see? Thus, I 'umbly propose that I should take it ALL. Fer the good o' the group.

Moon: Oh come on Rovie, where's your holiday spirit? Besides, the card says it's for NectarineFire's dolly FAM...
Fei: Ladies, I would never squabble over a gift if that should mean one of you must go without...
Paja: My, my what a gentleman! I wouldn't mind sharing with you Fei :3

Moon: And I don't mind taking the smallest gift of them all. What do you say Rovie?
Rovam: Whatever. Let's just divvy up this booty before more o' you landlubbers decide to join the party and stake a claim! This expensive looking silver box is MINE! All mine!
Fei: Perhaps since Paja and I are sharing, it is appropriate that the largest box go to us..
Paja: Ooo... How deftly you unwrap that box Fei! Tee hee!

Rovam: Deftly you say?? NObuddy tears thru the wrappin' faster'n Rovam! Check my booty and weep! Food to satisfy the appetite of a hearty pirate like me! I'm gonna stuff my face!

Moon: *Gasp* I GOT SHOES!!! I love them!! I couldn't have asked for a better gift! My stock catsuit never come with proper shoes you know yay

Moon: OMG and they FIT!! GLEEEEEEE!! I just can't get over how perfect and cute they are!

Fei: And for me, a traditional meal like the kind my mother used to make! How heart-warming. This is what Christmas is all about- tradition.

Paja: Ooh and I got this amazing Asian set with three difference Japanese delicacies, perfect for sharing with friends and loved ones! Now that's what Christmas is all about Heart

Fei, Paja and Moon: A big warm grateful thank you to our Secret Santa, STARIA who made this all possible, and to Papermoonpixie as well, who gave us late-comers a second chance!
Moon: Hey where's Rovam? Oh Roviiiiiee... Any parting words?

Rovam: *UrrRrrRrrPp* zZzZzZzzZ


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RE: 2010 Secret Santa Swap Pictures! (VERY IMAGE HEAVY!) - by NectarineFire - 12-29-2010, 02:38 AM

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