Sakura's Horse Tails
Sayuri: Hey guys! Does something seem wrong with Black Magic's gait to you?
Sakura: Not really......
Kaori: Sayuri.....I think it's you.
Sayuri: I can't help it! I'm new at this!
[Image: horsetails1.jpg]

Mary Weather: Hello Sakura.
Sakura: Hi Mary Weather.
[Image: horsetails2.jpg]

Mary Weather: I'm getting a new dress soon. A pink one. Because Momiji likes pink.
Sakura: He does not! He likes blue and yellow.
[Image: horsetails3.jpg]

Mary Weather: Yes. But he likes GIRLS in pink. If you were REALLY his girlfriend you'd know that.
Sakura: *blink*
[Image: horsetails4.jpg]

Sayuri: Don't listen to her Sakura. She's just jealous.
Kaori: Definitely. Ignore her.
[Image: horsetails5.jpg]

Mary Weather: Ignore me if you want to, but you know I'm right. I have to go. Momiji gets off soon and I have to tell him good bye.
[Image: horsetails6.jpg]

Sakura: *thunk* *sniff*
Kaori: Sakura..... She's a jerk. I don't know how Momiji stands being around her at all.
Sayuri: He doesn't. He's only there because Cain hired him to look after the house during the day.
[Image: horsetails7.jpg]

Kaori: Still..... She'd make me want to leave.
Sayuri: *nods* And Momiji only likes girls in pink because YOU wear pink!
[Image: horsetails8.jpg]

Momiji: Sakura! Hi Kaori! Hi Sayuri!
[Image: horsetails9.jpg]

Momiji: I'm so happy I found you! Cain let me off early and I wanted to see you!
Kaori: We gotta go Sakura. See you back at the stables.
[Image: horsetails10.jpg]

Momiji: Are you ok? You look upset.
Sakura: I'm fine. Really.
Momiji: Ok......
[Image: horsetails11.jpg]

Momiji: Why don't you tie up Keahi and come with me? I have something to show you.
Sakura: All right.
[Image: horsetails12.jpg]

Sakura: Ummmm......
Momiji: Come on. You can sit in front and I'll make sure you don't fall off.
[Image: horsetails13.jpg]

Sakura: Where are we going?
Momiji: Just over there.
[Image: horsetails14.jpg]

Sakura: ........
Momiji: *smile*
Sakura: Wasn't there something you wanted to show me?
[Image: horsetails15.jpg]

Momiji: Right! I'll be right back!
Sakura: Ok.....
[Image: horsetails16.jpg]

Sakura: Oh!!!! It's so cute!!!!
Momiji: It's for you. I know you like stuffed animals piled all over your bed. I wanted to get a bunny but they only had lions. Do you like him?
[Image: horsetails17.jpg]

Sakura: I love him! He has hair like yours. I think I'll name him Momiji and I'll sleep with him every night! Thank you!
Momiji: *blush*
[Image: horsetails18.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Sakura's Horse Tails - by kaoskat - 01-22-2011, 10:24 AM
RE: Sakura's Horse Tails - by TrueFan - 01-22-2011, 10:51 AM
RE: Sakura's Horse Tails - by CherryBlossomGirl - 01-22-2011, 11:16 AM
RE: Sakura's Horse Tails - by GreyBird1881 - 01-23-2011, 03:37 AM
RE: Sakura's Horse Tails - by lilbrokenragdoll - 01-24-2011, 02:29 AM
RE: Sakura's Horse Tails - by kaoskat - 01-24-2011, 03:18 AM
RE: Sakura's Horse Tails - by dunneh - 01-24-2011, 04:06 AM

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