Zhori and Angela Winter Adventures - lots of pics
Thank you everyone! =O Zhori was, of course, my first custom. There is a progress thread lurking about somewhere. LoL. Even though Puzzle pretty much did most of the work, I still love her.

And Angela is all Puzzle's work.

@Hannah: I knooooooow. It's so cute. =3 Puzzle did an awesome job recreating it from a drawing I had done. <3

@Puzzle: ...OMNOMNOMNOM. That is all.

@Sword: Thank youuuuu. This was my first time really taking pictures of them. I am definitely no photographer...and my camera sucks. LoL. But it was still fun. <3

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RE: Zhori and Angela Winter Adventures - lots of pics - by eshkenazi - 03-01-2011, 01:53 PM

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