A New Friend
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Sakura: Nate! What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?
Nathaniel: Went for a ride. What are doing?
Sakura: *laughs* Same.

[Image: NewFriend3.jpg]
Nathaniel: So......Where are your friends?
Sakura: *sigh* Kaori is spending time with Kona and Alice. Mary is at home obsessing over the fact that Cain isn't. Sayuri got roped into babysitting my sisters. *snicker* And Momiji is working.

[Image: NewFriend4.jpg]

[Image: NewFriend5.jpg]
Nathaniel: Ok, this is boring. Come on I'll ride with you.

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Sakura: You can't start that thing around Keahi! You'll spook him!
Nathaniel: Spook him?

[Image: NewFriend7.jpg]
Sakura: Yes. Now I'll go back to the stables and get another horse. How are you at riding?
Nathaniel: I'm pretty good. Wanna see some tricks?

[Image: NewFriend8.jpg]
Sakura: Not your dirt bike! A horse!
Nathaniel: A......Horse? I don't know. I've never ridden before.
Sakura: Ok then, Snowdrop it is!
Nathaniel: Snowdrop? That doesn't sound very manly....
Sakura: He's manly enough for you. Stay here I'll be right back.

[Image: NewFriend9.jpg]
Nathaniel: *eye roll* Girls!

[Image: NewFriend10.jpg]
Sakura: Nate, this is Snowdrop. Do you know how to mount?
Nathaniel: *rolls eyes* I think I can handle getting on a horse.

[Image: NewFriend11.jpg]
Nathaniel: How's this?
Sakura: *giggles* Well....You shouldn't fall off I suppose...
Nathaniel: *grumbles* Very funny. You'll come back with me to get my bike right? I'll take you home if you do.
Sakura: Sure. After we drop off the horses.

[Image: NewFriend12.jpg]
Sakura: How are you doing?
Nathaniel: We are going too fast! I'm going to fall!
Sakura: *laugh* You are fine! You aren't going to fall. We are barely creeping along!

[Image: NewFriend13.jpg]
Nathaniel: You seriously do this for fun?
Sakura: It is fun!
Nathaniel: Girls are crazy!
Sakura: Do you want to come with us when we go out next time?
Nathaniel: I don't know. Maybe. Will Mary be there?
Sakura: Of course she will! She always comes riding with us.

[Image: NewFriend14.jpg]
Nathaniel: So..... tell me about your friends.
Sakura: Well Kaori is really sweet but she's kind of a brat. She always knows what to say to make me feel better though. Sayuri lives with us. She's a foster doll. She's like another sister. Mary is kind of a stuck up snotty princess, but she's really nice once you get to know her. Momiji is....perfect. Kaori says he's almost too perfect, but I don't think so. I like him just as he is.

[Image: NewFriend15.jpg]
Nathaniel: Mary Weather has a brother?
Sakura: Yes. Cain. He's really protective of her and gives her anything she wants.
Nathaniel: Does she have a boyfriend?
Sakura: No. She doesn't really seem interested in a boyfriend yet. She's only 10. Besides I don't think Cain would......

[Image: NewFriend16.jpg]
Sakura: Wait a minute! Do you like Mary????

[Image: NewFriend17.jpg]
Nathaniel: Of course not! Why would you think that???

[Image: NewFriend18.jpg]

[Image: NewFriend19.jpg]
Nathaniel: Shouldn't we be getting the horses back?

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[Image: NewFriend22.jpg]
Sakura: You better not let me fall! Momiji will be mad if you do!
Nathaniel: I'm not going to let you fall. You are my only friend. If I let anything happen to you, I have no more friends.
Sakura: Right. Ok then. Let's go!

Messages In This Thread
A New Friend - by kaoskat - 04-11-2011, 07:21 AM
RE: A New Friend - by milkytea - 04-11-2011, 08:14 AM
RE: A New Friend - by Lilcurly - 04-11-2011, 08:52 PM

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