Vocaloids are here! The unboxing :) *photo heavy*
I put this up on PullipStyle so it's the same one haha smile

My Vocaloids came the other day! They are just amazing! I pre-ordered them in February so the wait was very long but very worth it!
Here's a lot of Vocaloid spam!

Ciel is here to help unbox! The box was so lightweight and smaller than I'd thought for 3 dolls!
[Image: IMG_7325.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7334.jpg]
In bubble wrap! I got some gifts too! Charms with their pictures on, so cute!

[Image: IMG_7343.jpg]
I decided to unbox Len first, made me laugh how the hair is attached to the box!

[Image: IMG_7349.jpg]
Yellow nails and '02 Kagamine Len ACT 2' written on his arm!

[Image: IMG_7357.jpg]
Ciel meeting Len grin

[Image: IMG_7365.jpg]
Rin was next and much cuter in real life than the promo pictures! I don't know if it's normal but she wasn't wrapped in plastic at all and Len was :S

[Image: IMG_7372.jpg]
They are just so cute!
[Image: IMG_7385.jpg]
Miku Miku!
[Image: IMG_7386.jpg]
Seriously some cute panties haha!

That was the unboxing, so here's some more photo spam!
[Image: IMG_7396.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7400.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7422.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7431.jpg]
oh yeah, Len's clothes are damaged sad it was like that when he came out of the box so happened before I got him. I don't mind though!
[Image: IMG_7435.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7440.jpg]
close up of the words

[Image: IMG_7447.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7454.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7489.jpg]
18th century meets the present haha!
[Image: IMG_7504.jpg]
Thanks for looking!
I'm seriously in love with them!

Messages In This Thread
Vocaloids are here! The unboxing :) *photo heavy* - by Kajiruki - 05-08-2011, 02:01 AM
RE: Vocaloids are here! The unboxing :) *photo heavy* - by Kajiruki - 05-15-2011, 03:24 AM

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