Kitty!! & my overcrowded dolly shelf....
Lol, I call it organised chaos! I really recommend the MH dolls, they have their faults so I'd read up before you get them, but I think they're really awesome...especially Frankie & Deuce <33 They're my favs. I'm loving Gloom beach Cleo too, she's hawt. (I could bring one or 2 to the meet if it all goes ahead, help you make up your mind?).

omg, the MLP in the photo aren't even the half of it....I've got another 2 shelves on my wall crammed full, & another 2 or 3 boxes full! (I had more room to display them in my last place), I luffs my ponies, I don't actively collect them now, but I've got no plans at all to sell them or put them away.

Yes! Ginny is there smile Skulking, lol. Her personality is beginning to develop in my mind now, so I'll make a start on adding her & Kitty into the profiles soon (hope I don't crash the forum with how flippin long it's getting :/ ), & I got a little outfit uptogether to fit her stock body....(she stole Kirsche's shoes, lol) but I cannot wait till she's obitsu'd! Then I can really get to work on her (she needs red DM's too I think).

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RE: Kitty!! & my overcrowded dolly shelf.... - by Lilcurly - 05-09-2011, 10:57 AM

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