Kitty!! & my overcrowded dolly shelf....
Cherryfox, thank you smile your Kirsche is lovely, I really like what you've done with her. haha! I still aspire to have less clutter...but I can't see it happening somehow.

Queenpegasus, mine wasn't crowded 6 months ago either......oops!

Babyblue, It's rare for me too, I usually can't wait to get them out of their stock clothes! They're not always that tidy......I did a quick picfic today & just kinda piled them back on their shelf cuz my hairdresser was coming round, lol. aww, you should display all your dolls, I'm sure your hubby will still love you! lol.

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RE: Kitty!! & my overcrowded dolly shelf.... - by Lilcurly - 05-10-2011, 03:49 AM

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