08-07-2011, 06:37 AM
Finished Derpy #1! I will be sending her off to her new home soon.
I participated in the International Friendship Day gift exchange and the person who I am sending a gift to said she would love a custom Derpy toy.
TrotCon 2017 - Kana's Secret Base: Pokemon Collection - Dragon Adventures Crafting
Aribelle Izumi - Tsuki Izumi - Kyouka Hibiki - Zenzi Barenfang - Pita Pepper - Parfait Pepper - Myuu - Peanut Bucker - Lumisade Peura
Aribelle Izumi - Tsuki Izumi - Kyouka Hibiki - Zenzi Barenfang - Pita Pepper - Parfait Pepper - Myuu - Peanut Bucker - Lumisade Peura