My Select Ddalgi in Merl's Stock
I haven't looked at my Paja suit yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll be the same as the regen. I'm very eager to see how you spice up your Merl's stock though. I like the idea of embelishing a stock outfits since it will make it more unique while having the quality of a stock outfit (not that they are always outstanding, but still nicer than what I can do by hand most of the time).

After the happy glow wore off from receiving the Select Ddalgi, I noticed what everyone else had been saying. Her hands are a different color, and while her wig is super soft, it feels really thin and the bangs and pretty jacked up. Did you touch up your girl bangs? They look like someone over the age of 6 cut them, which is an improvement over mine.
Currently reading: The Friday Society

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RE: My Select Ddalgi in Merl's Stock - by ByronicHeroine - 02-26-2013, 01:18 AM

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