Dolly patience is not my friend.... *Mao is on his way - also Naomi!!*
(03-02-2013, 06:24 PM)Miss Edith Wrote: I am very happy for you both, I love my Quentin (Mao) and I'm sure you will be pleased smile

PS - kuanyin4, great minds LOL My Zuora's name is Daenerys smile She was named from the books - well before the show was made. I have to say, now that I think of the lovely young actress who plays her, I still think Zuora is perfect for her !

Quentin, now there's another great name! It sounds like we have a LOT of favorites in common...
[Image: quentin_zps97a2b18b.jpg]

I confess that I didn't read A Song of Ice and Fire until after the first season, but then I was obsessed! Captain Hook makes a PERFECT Khal Drogo, I want to add a beard and find some tiny bells for his braids. That, and an outfit is all he will take to be finished. Did you leave the original eyechips in for your Daenerys? I'm thinking I will, because Zuora really is so perfect exactly as she is. I just need to work on an outfit for her too...

La la la, I don't know. The world forget... Feel like so!

Life's too short for ugly dolls!

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RE: Dolly patience is not my friend.... *Mao is on his way!!* - by kuanyin4 - 03-03-2013, 02:19 AM

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