show me your siblings/related dolls please! :)
I wanna see piccies of dolls you guys have who are related in some way, preferably siblings, but any relation is cwl smile

Here are some of mine to get us started....

[Image: 9115679198_5ab6a0fc8f.jpg]
DSC_0319 by Lilcurly, on Flickr
Jake & Sam, brothers.

[Image: 8560847770_98f9a47ccb.jpg]
DSC01629 by Lilcurly, on Flickr
Kenna & Skylar, twin sisters.

[Image: 8559718779_cb0f049b49.jpg]
DSC01576 by Lilcurly, on Flickr
Kitty & Kacey, sisters.

Show me yours! smile


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show me your siblings/related dolls please! :) - by Lilcurly - 07-23-2013, 07:23 AM

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