show me your siblings/related dolls please! :)
Woo! Thanks for the pics guys! smile all your dolls look great.

Kuanyin4, You have a doll called Gemma! :p & one called Esme, my little sisters name is Ezme lol. very random! Is Jette an Aurora? She's stunning <3 I want her even more now lol. I love Magdas Jessie dress btw, it's really cute! I think Tobias & Esme are my favourite sibling pair out of your dolls smile

ByronicHeroine, Are your girls both Batgirls? I love the way you've styled them.


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RE: show me your siblings/related dolls please! :) - by Lilcurly - 07-23-2013, 05:20 PM

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