Mass photo shoot with all the girls & boys! :D *Pic heavy*
(08-09-2013, 08:00 AM)ByronicHeroine Wrote: So many dolls! I love when people get all their dolls into on picture smile Your girls are so stylish, thanks for sharing them. Miley's wig actually looks much better under natural light. She's a knockout.

It's nor often I manage the whole gang in one photo nowadays lol. Thanks! smile I still don't like Miley's wig though, it's gonna have to go as soon as I can buy her another one. Roll on payday!

(08-09-2013, 01:17 PM)pixachii Wrote: I love your collection, Lilcurly, because every doll has such a unique personality. Even Skylar and Kenna, who are both Uncanrickys, look so utterly personalized! I love Sammy and Jake - they are both so sweet as well! Special 3 I look forward to seeing more of them! <3

Aww thank you smile I do really need to take more pictures of Jake & Sam, & Sam is ideal for doing pic-fics, so yeh, I need to shift my bum with that.

(08-09-2013, 01:17 PM)vadafade Wrote: I love seeing your doll photos, Lilcurly! What a beautiful and diverse dolly family you have! Thanks for sharing your pics with us.

Thank you smile & you're welcome!


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RE: Mass photo shoot with all the girls & boys! :D *Pic heavy* - by Lilcurly - 08-09-2013, 05:51 PM

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