My new boy ^^ Need help with a name
Aww he's so handsome~ smile As for names... *Pulls out baby name book* Conner, Bradley, Dante, Dmitri, Cooper, Trey, Lars, Grant, Jude, River, Dexter, Spencer, Toby, Luke, Rhett, Levi, Parker, Jasper, Clay, Stone, Forest, Hunter, Logan

Not sure what kinda names you like so I played it safe and went with basically normal ones with a few hippie names thrown in. wink
Penelope (Nero), Esme (Papin), Payton (Celsiy), Shelby (Lizbel), Mason (Neo Noir), Aggie (Mercu), Cricket (Heiwa), Lucian (Ni-Ya), Theo (Rayne), Daisy (Dumbo), Iggy (Fanatica), Willow (China China)
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RE: My new boy ^^ Need help with a name - by lyricsoul - 10-03-2013, 04:10 AM

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