Tiny Daisy
I went to Tuesday Morning today to
1. See if they had any Groove dolls
2. Shop yay
And I fell in love with this little girl! They had a few other little Blythes, one I kinda wish I would have got. It was the British one I think? I'm not sure, she had cute little piggie tails & two pets I think.
But I was kind of on the fence about her so I got who I LOVED instead.

[Image: 10299686713_783eb9d6fb.jpg]
Untitled by whimsu (◠‿◠✿), on Flickr
She's such a little cutie! She has the cutest little knit/crochet? hat, and her eyes! The colors are just gorgeous. I was startled when one of her little shoes slipped off!

[Image: 10299561505_6be12dfe4c.jpg]
Untitled by whimsu (◠‿◠✿), on Flickr
She also came with the glasses. I imagined them looking really cute on her, but they make her look kind of evil. Whacked

[Image: 10299568016_b1ef142a5f.jpg]
Untitled by whimsu (◠‿◠✿), on Flickr

[Image: 10299690363_611da6ff5a.jpg]
Untitled by whimsu (◠‿◠✿), on Flickr
Her pet is a little puppy with a matching hat! It's strapped on and I'm scared to unstrap it, because I think it's cute with the hat. LOL

[Image: 10299484724_c0dc776b14.jpg]
Untitled by whimsu (◠‿◠✿), on Flickr
She came with a tiny pinwheel that actually spins! It fits snuggly onto her hand so she can blow it. :3

[Image: tumblr_m2313bJDaG1qfamg6.png][Image: tumblr_lkqzdsu2he1qi6qow.gif][Image: tumblr_lkl6qodkIv1qfamg6.png]
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Flickr
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Instagram
[Image: tumblr_lqlg8cr6SL1ql1l0v.gif]

1957-2016 ♥
1949-2018 ♥♥


Messages In This Thread
Tiny Daisy - by whimsu - 10-16-2013, 08:31 AM
RE: Tiny Daisy - by boodotcat - 10-16-2013, 09:37 AM
RE: Tiny Daisy - by vadafade - 10-16-2013, 09:58 AM
RE: Tiny Daisy - by whimsu - 10-16-2013, 10:11 AM
RE: Tiny Daisy - by boodotcat - 10-17-2013, 12:27 AM
RE: Tiny Daisy - by whimsu - 10-17-2013, 12:55 PM

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