How do your dolls spend their free-time?
This is my new favorite thread!! I want to play too.

Paja enjoys napping with her dolls.
[Image: 8045354682_d5301b3fce.jpg]
Paja by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

Hednar just enjoys napping.
[Image: 8045912210_cfd96e6ae0.jpg]
Hednar by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

Tiffany likes to garden.
[Image: 7572029944_d8550478a6.jpg]
What A Mess 2 by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

Blake likes to skateboard.
[Image: 6948598428_ac45fec704.jpg]
April Meet by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

Laura likes to play with her many pets.
[Image: 6732913497_b103b8c6a9.jpg]
Lounging by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

Birdy enjoys causing trouble.
[Image: 7979857336_cf2cc4ce71.jpg]
Birdy by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

And Valentine enjoys self destructive behaviors...
[Image: 8699825502_5164d8b5f4.jpg]
Valentine by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr
Currently reading: The Friday Society

Messages In This Thread
RE: How do your dolls spend their free-time? - by ByronicHeroine - 12-24-2013, 05:48 AM

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