My fierce and powerful vampire, waaah :D
Well nearly done. She is not meant to have pink hair, she is a fierce vampire after all,LOL. I'm still working on the black alpacca scalp she is supposed to have, and I didn't want her running around with just a dome poor girl ^-^. And of course she had to put on a matching outfit Tongue. I'm so happy one of her sets of eyechips are painted by me, the ones you see in the first pic. First successfull go at that xd. I didn't get the colour right on the first pair. This means I will save lots of money, yey me grin(I love painted eyechips..). So what do you guys think? Scary right?

[Image: 12528269203_be7f85eee4.jpg]
My fierce and powerful vampire, waaah grinby Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 12528140525_4e2dfa0a14.jpg]
Wolf in sheeps clothes Tongueby Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
Lid art:
[Image: 12510170694_b4b28b8781.jpg]
Faceup done smileby Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr

Well this is her after the makeover, so a bit different now.
[Image: 13890585013_9d1b3cea10.jpg]Little vamp by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr

[Image: 13890594773_751216d442.jpg]Little vamp by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
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My fierce and powerful vampire, waaah :D - by Buzzingbumblebee - 02-15-2014, 08:42 AM

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