08-14-2014, 09:55 PM
I was very surprised to come home to this sight today....
I had no idea what was going on, or even which SDCC girl was inside !
It turns out my boyfriend had asked someone who was working at a booth (MadCatz) during SDCC to pick up anything "exclusive and Pullip related" and he found Stella ! Apparently my bf wanted the guy to buy the Dal too but he didn't want to lug 2 big doll boxes around all day It was a lovely surprise... But I'm not particularly fond of her which is a bit awkward seeing as it was such a lovely and kind gesture (He did say I could sell her and buy a doll I actually wanted though, but I'm not sure)
But yay for new doll-ness ! Not much beats the feeling of holding a new dolly, right ?!
I had no idea what was going on, or even which SDCC girl was inside !
It turns out my boyfriend had asked someone who was working at a booth (MadCatz) during SDCC to pick up anything "exclusive and Pullip related" and he found Stella ! Apparently my bf wanted the guy to buy the Dal too but he didn't want to lug 2 big doll boxes around all day It was a lovely surprise... But I'm not particularly fond of her which is a bit awkward seeing as it was such a lovely and kind gesture (He did say I could sell her and buy a doll I actually wanted though, but I'm not sure)
But yay for new doll-ness ! Not much beats the feeling of holding a new dolly, right ?!
- The Girls -
★ Veritas ★ My Melody x 2 ★ Hello Kitty x 2 ★
★ Nina ★ Chill x 2 ★ Papin ★ Fanatica ★ Nana Chan ★
★ Greggia ★ Nahh-Ato x 4 ★ Ddalgi ★ Stella ★ Sfoglia ★
★ Lunatic Queen x 2 ★ Peter Pan ★ '14 Kirakishou ★ Nanette ★
★ La Robe Vert Clair ★ Favorite Ribbon ★ Prupate x 2 ★
★ Yeolume x 2 ★ Puki ★ JouJou x 2 ★ ★ Maretti ★
★ Sucre ★ Chanti ★ Heart Macaron ★
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