Sofie the beautiful, pic heavy
Ahhh she is to die for<3 <3
You're sooo talented, I love seeing your newest customs!

[Image: tumblr_m2313bJDaG1qfamg6.png][Image: tumblr_lkqzdsu2he1qi6qow.gif][Image: tumblr_lkl6qodkIv1qfamg6.png]
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[Image: tumblr_lqlg8cr6SL1ql1l0v.gif]

1957-2016 ♥
1949-2018 ♥♥


Messages In This Thread
RE: Sofie the beautiful, pic heavy - by vertefae - 09-18-2014, 08:47 AM
RE: Sofie the beautiful, pic heavy - by KiraKira - 09-18-2014, 10:30 AM
RE: Sofie the beautiful, pic heavy - by whimsu - 09-20-2014, 01:02 AM
RE: Sofie the beautiful, pic heavy - by Lilcurly - 09-21-2014, 04:08 AM

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