01-31-2015, 11:33 AM
(01-30-2015, 09:53 PM)Chyntia Wrote: Wauw Steffi!! That was a nice delivery!!
Here are some photo's of my latest girlies! And my new camera!!
Super Stella - Sam.
Pullip Veritas - Vera.
Mini's Craziia & Rche
The new camera!! Samsung NX3000
I love that picture of your Sam~! <3 She looks like she's ready to go fight some bad guys! ^.^ And Veritas is much prettier than I had originally thought!
(01-31-2015, 07:05 AM)Rebeccapettigrew Wrote:
Here's my Kanta Dal, wearing a dress I made, and Roman Holiday Pullip's wig. she is on a 25cm shb-m obitsu body. she is also sitting on a couch that I made, and the bear is a Build A Bear Workshop Happy Meal Toy from McDonalds.
Here's my Roman Holiday Pullip. She is wearing a T-shirt I made, some vintage barbie "Jordache" jeans, some shoes from mimiwoo, and a boil-straightened Kanta Dal wig.
And here's my Little Pullip with Roman Holiday Pullip, before the wig swap.
I love that picture of your Dal Kanta! In that wig and the way you dressed her, she looks so elegant and refined. :3