These two girls do look wonderful! ( ´ ▽ ` ) Congrats on Reinette~✿ My, she really is a beautiful Pullip. I love her voluminous hairdo, and the little pearls and flowers are a great touch! Actually, I was watching Mulan and a little piece of a song that was in there stuck in my head, it definitely applies to her. ♬"With good fortune and a great hairdo"♬
Oh, maybe a light sanding could help too.
(03-25-2015, 07:31 AM)Jencut Wrote: The only small disappointment is that Marianne has a large round shiny spot on her forehead where her head had tipped forward against the packaging You can just about see it in the photos. I know from reading back on old threads that I should be able to fix it with matte msc and if that fails it'll be a rewig with bangs!
Oh, maybe a light sanding could help too.