New shoes, (more) summer outfits & a garden outing (new Aug.17 pg. 2)
(07-31-2015, 04:46 PM)Aienhime Wrote: Absolutely love their summer dresses, and wow your garden is beautiful! So many flowers & so green!
(07-31-2015, 08:28 PM)martah Wrote: The picture of Daesani and red flowers is really gorgeous! They look beautiful in their new outfits. smile
(08-01-2015, 04:42 AM)Marsian Wrote: I love the last two pics! That swing is just perfect for your girls. And the red lillies compliment Daesani's looks, i understand them being hers and Sunsets favourite flowers!
Thank you all smile I debated about that pic of Daesani & the lilies... she looked a little bit stare-y. But maybe she's about to make a face at the camera. More diligent watering is responsible for the green. Other years, the garden has stalled about now. After the horrible winter we had, it's wonderful.

(07-31-2015, 12:42 PM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: I envy you your lilies. The deer find them far too tasty and I gave up trying to grow them.
Oh man. I hear ya. Here they eat EVERYTHING that isn't fenced, including the stuff they're not supposed to like. I gave up on the rock garden, the front garden is cross-your-fingers, and you can see a wee bit of the tacky PVC post & chicken wire fence around the veggies & lilies.

(08-02-2015, 07:46 AM)Little mouse Wrote: I so hear you about 'must stop buying doll shoes'!!!! I need to do the same myself! LOL!
But when they are as adorable (and so useful) as these two would be silly not to buy them!
I think I might just pop over to Mimiwoo to see what she has on offer tonight now
Fabulous photos of the girls and I LOVE the dolly swing!
Thank you smile Silly indeed LOL Glad I could 'enable'.

So 'mum' went on a bit of a bargain-hunting binge again... So more dolly outfits are on the way. The Pullips & J's split the first batch. Although I'd seen a photo of it on a Barbie, I was delighted at how ridiculously cute this is on a Pullip. And thus, the beach, again.

[Image: 20027716858_801fe60a62_o.jpg]

[Image: 19594748393_24d5fc119e_o.jpg]
Looking for pearls in the wrong kind of shell.

[Image: 20027697360_1695e22779_o.jpg]
The sailor-wannabe's are catching. The minis loaned her a hat. I love the little curly thing her hair does around her face.

Daesani gets the glitzy stuff. She may have been a samurai in a past life, but I wonder if she was also a rock star?

[Image: 20221467471_4c20f1af25_o.jpg]

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RE: New shoes, (more) summer outfits & a garden outing (new Aug.1) - by Alliecat - 08-02-2015, 01:32 PM

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