12-31-2015, 05:39 AM
(12-21-2015, 03:46 PM)Offgenemi Wrote: Congrats Pullip princess , she is very cute. I didn't realize she had freckles how adorable
(12-21-2015, 03:57 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: Thank you PullipPrincess! I agree with the thing about Minis. Also, it's great that your husband has Rhiannon and shares your hobby with you!
Meg is so cute!! I always thought she was cute and knew she had freckles, but I hadn't ever seen close up pictures of her that showed how cute her freckles really are. Congratulations! <3
Thank you both so much. And you're welcome DeadlyNova! ^.^ Lols! It really is nice that my husband has his own small collection! I can't wait to see it grow even more. I know he also really wants Sakura Miku and Nella Retro Memory.
And yes, Meg really is! <3 I love her freckles too, and she really has a very sweet face.
Ahh~! All of you got such cute dollies! *_* I love them all!
I, too, got more dolls for Christmas! I ended up getting two from my husband and one from my brother!
Nana-Chan (Miyuki) and Clorinda (Priscilla aka Prissy) were the ones my husband got for me, and Lunatic Queen (Victoria) was the one from my brother. :3
And my father-in-law gave me a gift card with a very generous amount on it, so I ended up using it to get a doll that I've had my eye on for the past couple of months.... Mami Tomoe!