(02-28-2016, 02:31 PM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: Aw, she's so cute! I've had mine ready to take some photos for a couple of weeks, but haven't quite gotten around to her yet.
Same here. She escaped her box quickly, but every time I thought I'd take photos someone else (Blythes, BJDs) jumped the line.
(02-28-2016, 03:02 PM)Offgenemi Wrote: I was just looking at her in pullip style. When I first saw her I didn't understand the design very much. But now she looks very cute to me. Her original wig is kind of cool but I am sure she would look nice in a regular wig
She has a really cute face-up/eye-chip combo but it's hard to miss with all that hair.
(02-28-2016, 04:25 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Cute pix. She looks so content and comfy in the last one. What kind of wig would you like to give her?
I'm partial to things I can brush, so probably long and straight. That said, I love the curly wig this flicker user put on hers. ♥
(02-28-2016, 08:17 PM)Little mouse Wrote: She is really cute............and I don't think I will recognise this doll with a different wig, she is going to look so different.
Have you any idea what colour you will try?
I think one of the Leeke Carrots would be awesome, or maybe a blonde, but I'll probably try what I have on hand first.
(02-28-2016, 10:28 PM)Missy_Crane Wrote: Wow! You know, I never realised how beautiful and detailed her outfit is. I LOVE her floral dress.
Looking forward to seeing what you do with her
I've always loved her stock. I bought her with the idea that I'd keep the stock and wipe her, but when I saw her in the flesh (ABS ) I fell in love with her face-up.
>>>I'm not gone, just really, REALLY busy.<<<
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig