04-11-2016, 01:04 PM
She looks great! That Barbie bod is a great option for her.
On the neck melt, it's possible that the part of the head around the neck opening that has been softened by the leaching plasticizer may cause problems with the new body. You might want to give the melty part several coats of sealant, both inside and out of the head.
I went as far as putting a layer of apoxie sculpt inside and out on one of my T2's whose neck opening was softening: http://forums.dollymarket.net/showthread...id=7256377&highlight=china
On the neck melt, it's possible that the part of the head around the neck opening that has been softened by the leaching plasticizer may cause problems with the new body. You might want to give the melty part several coats of sealant, both inside and out of the head.
I went as far as putting a layer of apoxie sculpt inside and out on one of my T2's whose neck opening was softening: http://forums.dollymarket.net/showthread...id=7256377&highlight=china