The boys get a bit of a makeover
Mathieu, my secondhand Tantus, came to me with a black fur wig that made him look a bit like an emo-goth poet. I decided awhile back that a brown wig might suit him better, and after much hemming and hawing, I finally ordered a couple of fur wigs from Sunny's World awhile back. I made a bunch of dolly purchases around the same time, hoping to have them arrive the week I had off work . They all did except the wigs, which finally came a few days ago.

I ordered short coffee brown and long dark brown. The shorter wig was my first choice for Mathieu; the second one was a back up to compare the lengths, and I thought I might use it for Nikolaj if I ever end up changing his wig. Of course the short wig ended up looking awful on Mathieu, but the brown one looks OK. I'm not sure if it's his "forever wig," but it's an improvement! And the shorter wig ended up looking good on Freddy, a second hand Isul I adopted a few weeks ago who has been languishing in my shoebox of bald dolls. (Seriously. Don't judge. It's a big shoebox, and I wrap them carefully smile) This wasn't the wig I had in mind for him at all, but it really suits him.

I also just bought a couple stock outfits here on the boards, so the boys had a mini fashion show...

[img]Mat15<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/img]

[img]Nik23<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/img]

[img]Freddy1<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/img]

[img]JohnnyandFreddy2<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/img]

[img]NikandMat6<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/img]

Messages In This Thread
The boys get a bit of a makeover - by dargosmydaddy - 04-18-2016, 09:04 AM
RE: The boys get a bit of a makeover - by martah - 04-19-2016, 06:30 AM

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