A Magical Unicorn of Some Sorts...
Sorry for all the cruddy photos being the same. ;__;
I really need to improve..
But anyways, it's been a long time since she's gotten some camera time. Happy Or any of my dolls, for that matter.

[Image: 26406405380_18043a2826_z.jpg]

[Image: 26653154176_8c4244c504_z.jpg]

[Image: 26073850914_9745e5926e_z.jpg]

[Image: 26075760083_8dcc06645a_z.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m2313bJDaG1qfamg6.png][Image: tumblr_lkqzdsu2he1qi6qow.gif][Image: tumblr_lkl6qodkIv1qfamg6.png]
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Flickr
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Instagram
[Image: tumblr_lqlg8cr6SL1ql1l0v.gif]

1957-2016 ♥
1949-2018 ♥♥


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A Magical Unicorn of Some Sorts... - by whimsu - 04-28-2016, 03:39 AM

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