Has anyone tried a Made-to-Move Barbie body on Pullip?
I haven't been on in ages (thanks, college!), but I have a semi-serious question.

I keep seeing a ton of My Froggy Stuff videos, where she is currently super into putting Made-to-Move Barbie bodies on many of her dolls. I've become increasingly dissatisfied with my Obitsu bodies (the flop...my god, the flop), and I'm looking for a change.

I realize there are going to be some skin tone issues, just like there were with Liv doll bodies. I have seen one video on YouTube so far, but it wasn't very comprehensive in terms of pros and cons of using Made-to-Move vs. Obitsu bodies.

Is there anyone out there that has experimented with M2M bodies, and can give me the lowdown?
Feel like so.

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Has anyone tried a Made-to-Move Barbie body on Pullip? - by Amethystle - 12-27-2016, 04:12 PM

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