Miss Edith's A Doll A Week 2018 I Hope
thankyou guys Heart 2 I love her so much more than I expected to. The colour scheme is perfect, the face is vintage doll style Allie, but the pursed lips give her a Dal like 'tude as well. She stands easily by herself, poses easily & is SO stress free. I am buying her some day-at-home clothes tomorrow .. that dress is gorgeous but not exactly every day LOL. I must check that her measurements are all the same as Lati yellow/Pukifee ... tomorrow when hopefully the last dregs of this fucking headache will be gone. Sorry, I try not to use salty language in here but a week of migraine wears me down.
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred

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RE: Miss Edith's A Doll A Week I Hope - by davidd - 01-04-2018, 02:32 AM
RE: Miss Edith's A Doll A Week 2018 I Hope - by Miss Edith - 02-05-2018, 05:54 PM

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