Miss Edith's A Doll A Week 2018 I Hope
Allie - as soon as I saw him on YJ I decided he was usually a boy. Probably the extra grumpy face LOL It's true, I think Isuls make just as good girls as boys whereas I always default to Dal = girl. I wish I could take some of your snow. It is quite cool & very windy here today so I feel much better. (quite cool is probably the middle of summer for you - 19 degrees celsius). Your summer must be extremely short Heart 2

Lejays, thankyou smile It's funny, I remember way back Siobhan & Niamh were two of the 1st Irish names I saw & learned how to say. Saoirse Ronan - that name was easy but nobody who interviews her seems to be able to manage it. I love Gaelic names along with everything else Irish/Gaelic. I was born in the wrong country, my heart is Irish smile
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred

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RE: Miss Edith's A Doll A Week I Hope - by davidd - 01-04-2018, 02:32 AM
RE: Miss Edith's A Doll A Week 2018 I Hope - by Miss Edith - 03-21-2018, 12:53 PM

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