DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Thank you guys so much! <3

Unwilling Donor isn't a LDD that would have caught my eye initially, and I probably wouldn't have bought her if one of my closest friends wasn't selling her, but I think she's super cute and definitely don't regret her!

Time for day four!
[Image: 32728090398_d45648cc50_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 4/365 by Haley, on Flickr

My only Silkstone Barbie! Silkstone 'Classic Cocktail Dress' Barbie.

She's one of the few collectors Barbies I own, as, with Barbie, I'm much more into the vintage playline dolls than any of the collectors dolls. But I definitely couldn't resist her when I found her at half her original price at Tuesday Morning(yet she was still more than any of the Pullips I've purchased there. oaijfeofijsf). Second most I've paid for any Barbie, but I don't know if the most expensive one counts, as she came with an entire box of vintage clothing.

I don't plan on regularly purchasing Silkstones as they are a little bit out of my price range for Barbie, but she's absolutely gorgeous and I am amazed at her quality. She probably weighs three times if not more than the average Barbie doll.

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by DeadlyNova - 01-05-2019, 03:29 AM

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