02-04-2019, 12:00 PM
2019: Rainy, Snowy, Windy, Muddy... and Stuck Inside
2019: Arright, gang, it's time to DO something about this!
The girls face the grim reality that their fourth Super Bowl Sunday in Utah finds them
stuck indoors due to cold, wind, rain, snow, and mud. In response, they pro-actively decide
to start re-building their beach house that had to be left behind when they moved to Utah
from Hawaii. The staircase seen here is the only part of the house they were able
to salvage. (It was also the most challenging element to construct.)
There is more behind this undertaking than simply having a cool house again, although that is the
short-term objective. Longer term, this will be a "visualization" or "power of positive thinking"
project. The girls, and I, are ready to live someplace warm and tropical again, someplace where
Super Bowl Sunday surf sessions can be a reality rather than a fantasy. Hawaii would be great.
Florida might be an option. I mean, warm weather and manatees, right?
There's more to this, but it was making the caption too long. Anyway, Super Bowl Sunday 2019
was, from a surfing perspective, a total bust. But from a Looking Toward the Future perspective...
maybe not.
Oh, and, Happy Imbolc! Today marks the astronomical midpoint between the winter solstice and the
vernal (spring) equinox. Technically, then, today is the first day of spring! YAY!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!