DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Thank you guys.

My grandfather passed away this morning. He's no longer suffering. I wish I could say more here, but I am exhausted and I don't know where to begin.

My grandfather never cared for my doll hobby, my grandmother and mother were the doll people, and he always scoffed whenever I bought a new doll. I really wish that somehow I could have taken a special doll photo with a doll he had given me or something, but I can't, because, while I have technically received a lot of dolls as gifts from him, they were all 'here's some money, buy whatever you want' types of gifts in recent years and picked by my grandmother in my childhood.

My grandfather and I grew very very close the past few years, though. I did everything I could for him and he did everything he could for me. I don't know what my future holds now, as I'm horrible at planning out my life and being an adult despite being in my mid 20's now. I don't even know where I'm going to end up living. I cannot afford this house. I'm extremely worried about the future.

I don't really know what else to say about it.

Shockingly, I did take a photo today. I figure if I am going to go with a doll he gave me as a gift, it might as well be a meaningful one, even though he didn't pick it out.

Day 47:
[Image: 46395689354_efd320cfd6_z.jpg]ADAD 47/365 by Haley, on Flickr
You guys remember back a few weeks ago I photographed Magic Attic Club Allison, right? Here is my childhood Allison. One of the most important dolls to me that I've ever owned.

I got her for Christmas one year as a child, I think I was maybe five or six years old, but that's an estimation. Actually, I got my FIRST Allison for Christmas, but she was broken. Her neck was broken and she wobbled around like a bobblehead. I still loved her, and played with her. MAC had a 'doll hospital' and my grandmother intended to send her there, but never got around to it. Instead she bought me a new doll and replaced her. I never knew what happened to my original Allison, and I've always wondered, despite the fact I only played with that one for maybe two weeks before I got this one. My grandmother kept her in a plastic bag in the hallway for a very long time, but I don't know what happened after they moved house. I assume she probably got thrown away, because I've searched for years and never found her.

But this Allison is even more special than that one, because she was there for me through my childhood. She was probably the most influential toy I have ever owned. She was there to bring my absolutely wild imagination to life, to play the role of whatever I wanted, and was basically my best friend when I could not make a single one in real life that stuck around for long back then.

She is very special to me, so I am glad I chose her for the photo today. A very important doll to commemorate the passing of a very important person in my life.

Thank you guys for being here and looking at my photos. I'm going to continue to do ADAD as often as I can, although the next few months are going to be very hectic for me because my life is going to be completely uprooted and everything is about to change.

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by DeadlyNova - 02-17-2019, 02:49 PM

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