Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread...
i've got a MADE TO MOVE, actually, and i'm none too happy with the loose ankles.
unlike my OBITSU girls, she doesn't stand the slightest chance of standing on her own.

still if i am ever to get around to an Urd, this is likely the body i'll have to settle on for her;

[Image: OBITSU%20v.%20BARBIE%201-31-18.png]

in any case, my next girl, after the VOLKS Skuld, was yet another Mega House, Lacus Clyne from "GUNDAM SEED DESTINY"
i wanted her since she resembles Luka Megurine of VOCALOID fame, and is probably the closest i'll ever come to having a 1/6 doll of her;

[Image: Milady-Alluca1436208515_zpshoa2whdk.jpeg]

[Image: Lacus%20Clyne%20Megahouse%20Action%20Fig...cclxco.jpg]

[Image: MegurineheartsLuka%2010-10-15_zpsqrj9fqyu.jpg]

Megurine Luka

[Image: Lacus%20-Luka%202-24-19%202.jpg]

Lacus Clyne

[Image: Lacus%20-Luka%202-24-19.jpg]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]

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RE: Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread... - by tasuke - 02-25-2019, 02:34 AM

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