(03-21-2019, 03:30 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: I got a Panasonic Lumix FZ80! It's a lot nicer than my last camera, but not quite as nice as the one before that.
That sounds like a great camera! I just read through some reviews. I have been using an older Panasonic Lumix point-n-shoot (DMC-TS5) as my primary camera for... gosh, more than three years now. It is probably my favorite camera ever. I hope your new "bridge camera" Lumix serves you equally well.
I take it by "hoarders" you don't mean "collectors of cool stuff," but more... well, like the TV show. I hope you find some unex.pected treasures during the clean-out, to hold on to and share with family members as keepsakes, and other surprises that will be worth the big bucks to make the clean-up worthwhile. It certainly sounds like you will have a lot of work ahead of you, not even counting your own move!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!