(05-03-2019, 01:56 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I am currently at war with mousedom and they keep coming. And far from cleaning up anything, they're just leaving s*** (literally) everywhere
I am facing a similar battle in the storage shed. I have been using live traps, which thus far have been more effective than the standard mouse traps in numbers captured. However, they just keep coming! And they just keep pooping! And now I am beginning to re-think my use of "humane" live traps after one of the little monsters chewed the tip off one of Maudlynne Macabre's shoes!
(05-03-2019, 02:00 PM)werepuppy Wrote: I'm in need of cleaning and organising too... Do we all just keep putting it to the side?
Responses to this post suggest that many of us appear to have that behavior in common, yes.
(05-03-2019, 04:25 PM)Elfy Wrote: The plastic tub matches her coat, so she can practice her camouflage skills.
Clutter camouflage!
(05-03-2019, 05:54 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: We started (I started...) tidying up the library over Easter. ... I’ve now stopped as I’ve run out of room to move things around in there....
Why is it that tidying should, in theory, lead to having more space, but it never seems to work out that way?
(05-04-2019, 03:21 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: When I have something I need to sort and I rrrreeeaaaallllyyyy don't want to, so, like, every time I have something I need to sort..., I just pick one or two things from the pile every time I pass by.
That sounds like an effective strategy. I shall give it a try!
3 May – Antique Porcelain Bisque Doll Fragment
Antique Bisque Doll Foot
Today, while I was traipsing about aimlessly through the sagebrush of the open range, I ran across what appeared to be an old rubbish dump consisting mostly of rusty tin cans and broken glass. Amid the trash I spotted this little bisque porcelain doll foot.
I have run across similar piles of rusty cans and broken bottles before. I refer to them as "cowboy campsites," because most include old coffee and baked beans tins, and appear to have been small temporary campsites, probably where cattle ranchers or sheep herders stopped for a night or two back in the olden days. Several times I have been able to approximately date these sites based on vestiges of labels on the coffee cans or the markings on medicine bottles. Until now, the sites I have found appeared to have been from the late-1940s through the early 1960s.
The site I found today, however, was significantly larger than most of the similar sites I have come across, indicating a seasonal camp, or perhaps even an old home site. Along with the damaged doll fragment, I found a broken Coca Cola bottle. Coca Cola bottles are useful items from which to approximately date old dump sites. To my surprise, my research this afternoon indicated that the "straight sided" Coca Cola bottle with an elaborate script logo likely dates to no later than 1915, and possibly a decade or more earlier.
I may try to find my way back to this dump site to retrieve the Coca Cola bottle. There could be additional markings on the surviving fragments to help me come to a more accurate date.
Today, while I was traipsing about aimlessly through the sagebrush of the open range, I ran across what appeared to be an old rubbish dump consisting mostly of rusty tin cans and broken glass. Amid the trash I spotted this little bisque porcelain doll foot.
I have run across similar piles of rusty cans and broken bottles before. I refer to them as "cowboy campsites," because most include old coffee and baked beans tins, and appear to have been small temporary campsites, probably where cattle ranchers or sheep herders stopped for a night or two back in the olden days. Several times I have been able to approximately date these sites based on vestiges of labels on the coffee cans or the markings on medicine bottles. Until now, the sites I have found appeared to have been from the late-1940s through the early 1960s.
The site I found today, however, was significantly larger than most of the similar sites I have come across, indicating a seasonal camp, or perhaps even an old home site. Along with the damaged doll fragment, I found a broken Coca Cola bottle. Coca Cola bottles are useful items from which to approximately date old dump sites. To my surprise, my research this afternoon indicated that the "straight sided" Coca Cola bottle with an elaborate script logo likely dates to no later than 1915, and possibly a decade or more earlier.
I may try to find my way back to this dump site to retrieve the Coca Cola bottle. There could be additional markings on the surviving fragments to help me come to a more accurate date.
It appears, however, that this doll... or this doll part... is over one-hundred years old, and in fact may have been discarded and forgotten on this desert dump pile for over a century.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!