Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019!
(05-18-2019, 02:51 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: Welcome back! Good to see you alive! I absolutely adore the Begoths photo, that angle makes it look rather action-y! Oh, and Casta in all her glory - dangerously chic!

Thanks, dear! I didn't mean to go completely silent the way I did, but I was just that exhausted that even trying to think up comments was beyond me. I am proud of how that BeGoths photo turned out, I need to do more of that kind for those dolls - they work so well if you can make the splashes of colour bold in them. Casta had an amazing stock look... but my want of an Elphaba was higher, lol.

(05-18-2019, 10:49 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Such a variety in your collection!  And how fun to be able to take Pikaplushie to the movie.  I might watch it when it comes out on DVD... no theatre here...
Glad you still had some dolly time in all the busy-ness.

My collection has one common thread: I liked the item, LOL. It was fun being able to sit with my Pikachu while watching the movie, and I would say having it on home release would be better. There's a ton of little details that you would be able to pick up better at home than in the cinema, really. One of the days was at least a good kind of busy - I was meeting up with a friend who, due to distance, I don't get to see a lot, and we had some fun doll chat. 

(05-18-2019, 01:35 PM)davidd Wrote: Has Olivia o'Lantern received a feature photo of her own yet? She needs one! Or another one!

I understand about things being hectic and exhausting. I hope your world returns to normal... or your version of normal... soon.

She did have a solo photo in my catalogue of BeGoths a week or two ago, but I do fully agree, I need to take more photos of this stunning girl. If the good weather holds, I might try for an outside picture... My world is still a bit on the hectic side at the moment but at least for today, I do not need to go to many different places. (Being outside is very exhausting when your main sensory issue is noise >.<)

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138. Paranormal Detective
[Image: 54962315_ab1134559dc51bf598614a3976b1d20f_standard.jpg]
Arrival date: 17th May 2019
I have been saving up for this guy since I first heard about him, and that was... some time last year I think. Various reasons meant the money kept getting used but finally I was able to order and he's here! Really have to give props to the stockist I ordered him from. As well as having the best price out of all the ones I looked at, the delivery was really fast, and he came super well packaged.
Ah, he's amazing. The sculpt is perfect and the clothing is wondering and even the box looks fantastic. So happy to have him as part of my collection. (And yes, I have plans...)

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RE: Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019! - by werepuppy - 05-18-2019, 07:22 PM

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