Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019!
(05-19-2019, 01:22 AM)davidd Wrote: Marvelously detailed outfit! The jacket is nice. The fit and drape of the trousers is quite realistic. Congratulations on acquiring a figure for which you've been saving.

Oh, and in checking back, I see the earlier photo of Olivia. She looks more interesting in the recent photo. Yes, she needs to be featured again. Perhaps in an outdoor fairy garden setting.

He was a bit pricer than my usual grabs - though less ex.pensive than a new Pullip - but the look of him just makes it all incredibly worth it. That he's a representation of one of my long time favourite comic book characters is just an extra bonus. I will see what I can do about another photo (or two) of Olivia. I have ideas, it's just... really getting them done. 

(05-19-2019, 02:34 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: Yay, another inmate ehm, inhabitant with the ability to set the whole place on fire! Who is he?

Yes, inhabitant, lol. He's John Constantine, as Elfy answered. He's one of my favourite comic characters, and this is a fantastic representation of the best live action version of him. 

(05-19-2019, 03:12 AM)Goblin Wrote: Oh he looks nice! Is he from something? For paranormal investigators I can only think of X-files and Twin Peaks

Honestly, he's more of a magic user for hire than a paranormal detective, but that was the title SooSoo Toys gave the figure. (Yeah, he's a a third party figure. Like Transformers but for 1:6 scale.)

(05-19-2019, 03:20 PM)Elfy Wrote: That’s John Constantine. He had his own comic and TV series and he’s currently one of the legends in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow series. Yes, I am a nerd.

As am I! Matt Ryan gives a really perfect performance as Constantine, and I really wish that his solo series had not been cancelled. Though, happily, the blu-ray release of the series is region free! I hope he gets to hang around in Legends another series, he's a good fit for there. (Also if they were think to bring Zatanna around, that would be cool. Or, y'know, tie up plot threads from his series...)

(05-19-2019, 10:43 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: I picked him from just the top part of the photo - before I even got down to the fireball in the hand.

He looks very world-weary and worn out - just like he looks on the live version TV.

Olivia O'lantern definitey needs another solo-shoot - she's my favourite of your BeGoths I think.

The detailing on him is fantastic, he is a perfect representation of the character. And I think Olivia is definitely going to have some more photos taken, it's just getting around to the doing it. 

- - - 

139. Sewing: Dungarees for Freya
[Image: 55021325_346830f8b0dd8b2f6a933a4842d8f90a_standard.jpg]
Because I really thought the little ones would look cute in them. Rabbie will get a pair soon! Once again, I fudged the pattern together myself from measurements and scrap bits of fabric. Sorry there's a bit of a yellow-ish tint to the pictures - I really need to change my lightbulb to a white one, but they're a bit more costly. I didn't have much luck with natural lighting when I was taking this either.

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RE: Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019! - by werepuppy - 05-19-2019, 11:45 PM

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