06-19-2019, 07:39 PM
Glad you made it there and back safely, and sorry the ghost of gym class last came to haunt you. Carly looks like she enjoyed it all - clearly a master in taking pleasure as others suffering. Or, she keeps the smile on to mask her own issues...
Okay, fun toy trivia. The term action figure first came in use by Hasbro during the initial 12" G. I. Joe run, as they did not want to call these tough army men 'dolls'. Okay, so, maybe not fun exactly but... Trivia!
Okay, fun toy trivia. The term action figure first came in use by Hasbro during the initial 12" G. I. Joe run, as they did not want to call these tough army men 'dolls'. Okay, so, maybe not fun exactly but... Trivia!