(06-20-2019, 05:10 PM)Elfy Wrote: They look very well prepared.
Appearances can be deceiving!
(06-20-2019, 05:33 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: They have matching work clothes! How cute is that! Good luck!
Looking the part is half the battle, right?
(Unfortunately, I don't have a matching orange jumpsuit for myself.)
(06-20-2019, 09:48 PM)werepuppy Wrote: Oh I love the work clothes. Janie has them very well prepared, this girl is smart! (Also? BOOT LOVE.)
That's why they call 'em Smart Dolls, I reckon!
Gotta love the boots!* Yes, the boots work well considering that they are somewhat over-sized. But the size provides additional stability.
(*And yes, I have been known to quote The Pirate Fairy movie from time to time.)
(06-21-2019, 03:43 AM)Jubilee Wrote: I was a bit nervous in the beginning because I thought I would mess up on what I wanted to say. (I still kind of feel that way right now tbh) I'm not really good at talking to people.
Don't worry! Several of us on the forum are much more "talkative" online than we would ever be In Real Life! (And the 'edit' feature allows us to go back and change things we decide we shouldn't have said or that we could have phrased better! )
20 June – Unloading the Truck
Janie: "These planks would be much easier to handle if they were one-third scale like us!"
Triv: "Yeah; for us, this is the equivalent of lifting a 24-foot long 6x12."
Janie: "Whoa! Look at you, all Miss Mental Math and stuff!"
Triv: "Work smarter, not harder! Speaking of which, I think it's break time!"
They're not dolls, they're action figures!