Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
(07-25-2019, 12:22 AM)werepuppy Wrote: (Concede can be used for voluntarily handing over as well. However, it can be used in a grudging form.)

Woo, Her Isane Majesty has the best official portrait. I love how demanding and forceful she is, and that she seems to use to use it for the betterment of her Queendom and her people.  I'm sure visitors find themselves greatly entertained in her company, and consider themselves lucky to be honoured soo.

Lianora sound fascinating, I hope she finds a shell!

Thank you!!!

The visitors mostly consider themselves lucky to leave in one piece... But they all agree that Her Insane Majesty does leave the most imposing impression.

(07-25-2019, 02:28 AM)davidd Wrote: This is turning in to one of the most entertaining stories I have read in ages... and it's not even a "story" yet! Such a fun and imaginative setting!

And beautifully illustrated! The Queen's Official Portrait is... uhm... most regal!

(Lianora... "her glass is always full-full." I wish I could live my life like that.)

Thank you very much, but don't get your hopes up - this won't really turn into story, as I said earlier, it's really just a bunch of names with a few details about their characters attached. 

Haha, regal is definitely the word!

(07-25-2019, 03:51 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Wonderfully imaginative smile   This is a fun read so far, and I LOL'd about the ghost and the cookie.  I love that the official portrait is upside down -- quite suitable for your world.  It does sound like this could be written up for a children's series.

(07-25-2019, 02:28 AM)davidd Wrote: ... "her glass is always full-full." I wish I could live my life like that.)

Thank you!

(07-25-2019, 04:22 AM)Jubilee Wrote: @neon_jellyfish What kind of magic artifacts does she collect exactly?

Usual things like flying carpets, invisibility cloaks, magic mirrors with some kind of virtual assistant in them, she has a few poison rings providing endless suply of poison, trees bearing fuits that grant eternal youth, talking shrunken heads (one of them apparently belonged to a gorgon, because it petrified some servants)... She's quite fond of horseless coach which for some reason loves to take people to swamps, ravines and other places that are hard to get away from and then it just throws them out and abandons them there...

(07-25-2019, 03:46 PM)Elfy Wrote: Loving this! Our dolls have their own personalities and relationship, but not as detailed as the Oddwickshireites.

Thank you!

Day 206

Now that we’re done in the castle, let’s take a stroll through the Old Town. Not far from the castle is one of those old stone houses, but this one has a bunch of pipes swirling around it and various odd contraptions attached to its walls. A very interesting couple lives here...

Meet the Morgensterns, everybody's favorite steampower couple!

[Image: 5e69d83c30df8740b3c59cb7bae6c2f8.jpg]
They've got each other's back.

Rebecca Morgenstern

Rebecca is a genius inventor. She loves making her and other people’s lives easier, and she constructed a lot of helpful devices of all kinds. For example, her semi-automated gardening tools are very popular with elderly people, because they don’t have to squat or kneel down anymore. And her laundrymajigs can wash, dry, iron and fold all the laundry all by themselves! You just take the nice tidy pile back to the closet.

Currently, she’s working on thingamadish, which will wash and dry dishes, and a hybrid airship / submarine, which is a long-term project, something she was dreaming about since childhood and the very reason she decided to become an inventor.

She often works together with Countess Rosamunda to create magic items, mostly magic wands with various aids and safety measures for beginning witchlings, because raw Oddwickshire wands tend to have minds of their own and pull pranks on their users, so handling them requires a certain level of skill. Magic hats with built-in storage dimensions are also in high demand.

She also built a very important airship (we’ll get to it soon).

Most of her inventions were created for her husband, Elazar.

Elazar Morgenstern

Elazar Morgenstern is a professional problem solver and a part-time secret agent of Her Insane Majesty (there aren’t enough affairs for it to be a full-time job). He’s a man of few words, and the word he uses most often is ‘hmm’. He’s famous for his martial arts and butcher skills (the old ‘that corpse won’t fit in there’ problem) and his flawless aim. He isn’t famous for his absolutely perfect stealth skills - nobody ever noticed. Most people don’t notice he’s in the room even when he doesn’t try to conceal his presence, but when he does, he’s downright invisible. Her Insane Majesty is very intrigued by that, because Rosy says he isn’t using any magic and Rebecca says she didn’t make any special camouflage device for him, because he doesn’t need one. Nobody knows how he’s doing it.

There’s never been a problem he couldn’t solve. Rowdy ghosts, vampires and werewolfs (werewolves?) who don’t respect the ‘only eat those who actually want to be eaten’ law, foreign spies or assassins who are after Her Insane Majesty, spy missions in neighboring countries… You name it, he’ll deal with it. Although, he does wonder what would happen if he let an assassin or two slip and get to the Queen. He thinks it could be fun.

Secret agents tend to be popular with ladies, but Elazar has never been into that sort of thing. A) it could blow his cover, B) ‘hmm’ and ‘huh’ aren’t exactly the strongest pick-up lines. He was kind of surprised that Rebecca could talk to him normally and understand what each ‘hmm’ and ‘huh’ meant. Their relationship was purely professional at first, because every secret agent needs a genius inventor, but then they became friends, and then lovers.

Rebecca can always tell where he is, and he likes that she sees him without him actually having to go out of his way to make his presence known. There are a few other people who always know he’s in the room*, but no one else can sense where he is when they’re in another room.

*That would, of course, be Her Insane Majesty, and also Rosamunda, Mr. Schwarzgrab, probably because he’s sort of invisible, too; and then a few supernatural beings whose very nature makes them able to sense any living creature in their proximity, especially if said creature is a human in size and shape (and in some cases blood).

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by neon_jellyfish - 07-26-2019, 03:04 AM

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