Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
(07-27-2019, 01:59 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Oooh, well these two are just fascinating! I take it their funeral services are affordable? How wonderful - do they have a brochure? Tongue

Thanks! About the 'affordable services' thing - about a year ago, I was reading some funeral homes' advertisements (yeah, my idea of fun can be a little, uh, nevermind), and they all seemed really bent on conveying just how oh so affordable they are. I mean, all businesses will go out of their way to make sure you know how they're cheap, especially if they aren't, but funeral homes will go out of their way and then around the world to make it over-abundantly clear that their services are affordable. Every other sentence was about how you'll make it easier on your bereaved ones by choosing the most affordable service in town. It seemed like some sort of tradition within the trade, so I decided to use it.

One special thing about Schwarzgrabs is that they're so confident about their products, they'll let you do a layaway.

Brochure is a great idea!

(07-27-2019, 02:19 AM)davidd Wrote: Oh my goodness, this was so funny!!! Some of the lines in here, like "Death might be a rather inconvenient life change" and 'the dearly returned" are laugh out loud funny!

And Salome is incredibly beautiful. Intensely beautiful, even!

What you have here is far funnier, more clever, and more entertaining than some highly acclaimed works from Very Famous Authors.

I think I shall specify in my will... note to self: have a will drawn up... that when the fateful day arrives, my remains shall be transported to Schwarzgrab Funeral Home for final... or not so final... disposition. My only concern would be, how affordable are their services?

Thank you very much!!! I'm glad you liked it.

I didn't actually work on detailed price list, but the Basic Revenant Package and Ghost Upgrade (that one makes sure your ghost can touch things while preserving your ability to go through walls) would roughly equal to $300, Advanced Revenant one is about $500 (Basic Revenant will only make you about 10 years younger than you were at the time of death, Advanced is guaranteed to make you biologically 35, and if you were taking a good care of your health, 30 or even 25 is possible), Supernatural Upgrades start at cca $800 for Vampire and Werewolf ones and the price can climb up depending on how complicated they are, if you want a customised one, and so on... And you can do a layaway!

I don't have the foggiest idea how much it would cost to transport the corpse from Utah to Oddwickshire, though.

(07-27-2019, 09:53 AM)Jubilee Wrote: @neon_jellyfish Well that's messed up those people get abandoned at those places but do they end up dying or find their way back home?

Some get away, some don't. The coach was supposed to simply take its passengers to their desired location, but something went wrong and it ended up being like this instead. It wasn't used much ever since then. Her Majesty likes to use it for her survival skills training, and sometimes, criminals or spies and other uninvited guests get disposed of this way. They still have a chance to survive and run away, if they have what it takes...

(07-27-2019, 10:34 AM)Alliecat Wrote: "Most people survive their deaths..."  xp  LOL
OMG, how did we not know till now the depths of your amazingly imaginative story world?
I'd take one of their upgrades...
Today's installment made me think of this song...  on a quick look, couldn't find anywhere to listen for free but you might find it worth the 99 cents for the amusement.

I don't really work on backstories in detail until I have certain amount of dolls, otherwise it gets crazy. Characters pop up left and right and demand shells, so I jot down some basic ideas, but I only start working on them after I have at least a third of dolls on the wishlist (my first Pullip wishlist had 80 dolls on it at one point, because the pre-alfa version of Oddwickshire went out of control). I didn't really have anything shareable for a long time.

I personally would go for Fairy or Werecat upgrade. Vampire and Werewolf are the cheaper, but vampires need to drink blood and werewolfs can suffer from random transformations around full moon (Orpheus didn't even plan to make them, but the demand was overwhelming).

This is fun. Maybe I should really make a brochure...

(07-27-2019, 12:55 PM)Elfy Wrote: Salome and Orpheus make a lovely couple, very photogenic. If Rebecca could invent a TV they could do their own advertisements.

Oh, they don't need TV ads. You can meet their ads on every street and ask them about their ex³perience in person...

Day 208

Time to go to Cabbage Gardens! Let's take the underground route for once. We don't have a certified guide, but I've been here a few times already, so I know the way. See those milky opalescent crystals? That's actually a type of moss and it can only be found here in Oddwickshire. It will start its life as translucent white moss, and it will grow bigger and harder over time, and after a few years, it will form solid crystals. You can take some with you - if you paste some blueberry yoghurt over a piece of limestone and put the crystals on it, the stone will be covered in moss in about a week. It likes dark and humid places.

Now up the stairs - watch your head! The ceiling is rather low... And we're here!

Most of Cabbage Gardens’ houses are covered in vines, have beautiful gardens and ornate greenhouses, but the one we’re about to enter is special.
There’s something almost… sentient about its greenery, the scents filling the air are stronger and more exotic, the many colorful blossoms of all shapes and sizes seem to be turning to you as if they could see you… And there was no creeper twisting around your ankle a second ago!!! Find petals that look like cat ears and scratch them gently, it will let go. Oh, look, the mistress of the house is here to help you.

Florianne du Jardine

She looks cute and a bit naive, but don’t let that fool you! Florianne is a genius botanist, genius to the point of complete madness (scientists seem to be extra prone to going mad in Oddwickshire, I wonder why…). She’s a friendly mad scientist, she isn’t dangerous unless you deliberately cause harm to her plants. Her plants are all she ever talks about, so she might be a somewhat tedious companion, unless you’re a botany addict yourself… Sometimes, though, she will burst into sinister laughter in the middle of the sentence and for no apparent reason, so that does break the monotony a bit.

In addition to her own garden and greenhouse, huge part of royal gardens is reserved for her, and she grows the most peculiar flowers in there. Right now, she’s trying to grow giant carnivorous orchids that could be used as guard plants around the castle and eat intruders, but so far, she wasn’t successful - all they ever want to eat is chocolate. She’s also working on another project - aniplants, intelligent plants with some animal features. That one already had some good results (you personally met one of them), although it’s still in its initial phase and the aniplants aren’t very sophisticated...

[Image: 4a8b0484b0238e0c8ee7590b6c7c1541.jpg]
"Ghiiife uths chokholaaate!"
"Not this again... Well, at least they can talk now, so that's some progress, I guess... Mwhaha. Mwhahaha! MwhahahaHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by neon_jellyfish - 07-28-2019, 03:01 AM

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