Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
(08-01-2019, 02:04 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Siristo? Callius?


(08-01-2019, 04:48 AM)davidd Wrote: Lovely photo of the always-lovely Cerise.

That's quite the tangled emotional web at the First Lighthouse. Sounds like the potential for distraction could lead to danger for aeronauts who depend on the light.

Ah, no, it doesn't really cause drama, just an awkward silence now and then. They're professionals, they don't let these things interfere with their jobs. Their lunch breaks might be more awkward though... They're mostly just stuck on personal level, but Sirius and Isidor are working on it, so I'm optimistic.

(08-01-2019, 07:39 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: The Lighthouse group is reaching high levels of daytime soap drama, it’s an interesting group for sure.  It’s such an interesting world you’ve developed, a lot of fun to read about.

Cerise looks very intent on the plants.

Thank you!

(08-01-2019, 10:56 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Cerise looks so patient, waiting for the plants to grow.  I bet she talks to them when no one's looking wink
Sounds like there's never a dull moment at the lighthouse.
I was at a museum lecture by a lighthousekeeper just last night!  It was mostly a slide show of all the birds that stop there on migration.  Hoped he'd talk a bit about life there for the keepers, but he didn't.  So I'd rate a previous lecturer better -- he had great stories about living on a teeny rock through the winter storms, and how they once had the kids listening in on the radio, thinking they were talking to Santa Claus LOL
Did I mention I love the lighthouses-for-airships idea, haha?  It's just so completely different from my whole concept of lighthouses, which makes it a lot of fun.

The lighthouse is quite busy, so all the drama happens in form of inner dialogue. Callisto blushes when she accidentally touches Sirius, like when they reach for the same thing, but not much more than that.

There are manned lighthouses in Canada? I thought everything was automated now...

The lighthouses for airships are necessary in Oddwickshire, because all you can see from airship is a sea of fog, so you can't navigate by searching for landmarks. Well, Beatrix is fine with just a compass, map and pocket watch, but she's the only one. Lighthouses are either tall enough to stick out, or you can at least see their light.

(08-01-2019, 05:07 PM)Elfy Wrote: Cerise is definitely a plant talker. I hope Faramond one day realises his dream of flight.

I think he eventually will. Sirius and Isidor are working on it.

Day 213

I wanted to write about Quirkmore, but today's character's text is more than long enough on its own.

It's late, so we'll take a proper look at the town tomorrow. The governor of the town will kindly provide us with accommodations, so let's head to the palace and meet her. Oh, by the way, she's a vampire.

A note on Oddwickshire vampires

Vampire lore in general is one huge chaos, so for Oddwickshire, I decided to define my own set of vampire types, powers and weaknesses.

All vampires need to drink human blood and reflect in mirrors and water; none sparkle in the sunlight. They naturally don’t have shadows, but most of them create their own, right now, having a shadow is considered very fashionable. You can see some of the artificial shadows misbehave now and then.

First are primary vampires - those who were born that way. Leaders of the vampires are noble families that don’t have a drop of human blood in their bloodlines. They’re the most powerful ones.

Then there are lower-ranking commoner vampires who have some human ancestors, and their powers depend on how much human blood they have.

Secondary vampires’ powers depend on powers of the specific vampire who vampirified them. Some can be more powerful than most primary vampires, some have next to no powers. But no matter how strong they are, they’re always socially inferior to primary vampires. Noble vampires who are very likely to create powerful secondary vampires usually get their bodyguards this way (they don’t really need them, but it shows off their status nicely), and sometimes also formerly human spouses, mostly to avoid inbreeding.

Vampire powers are:
  • Psychological manipulation to make people easier prey (it’s forbidden by law now, they have to gain conscious consent) - all vampires, although to various degree
  • Turning into bats - all vampires
  • Growing bat wings but otherwise remaining in human form - noble vampires, more powerful commoner vampires and very powerful secondary vampires
  • Turning into crows, ravens and owls - primary vampires and more powerful secondary vampires
  • Communicaton with and control over all the aforementioned animals - primary vampires and more powerful secondary vampires
  • Creating and manipulating shadows and fog - all vampires, but to various degree
  • Travelling through shadows and fog in very high speed - primary vampires and more powerful secondary vampires
  • Ultra-healing - all vampires, but to various degree
  • Enhanced physical strength and senses - all vampires, but to various degree
  • Turning humans into vampires by feeding them vampire blood - noble vampires and more powerful commoner vampires
The weaknesses are:
  • Sunlight - it takes a long time to die from it, even the weakest vampires can withstand a few hours in direct sunlight, and the noble ones would have to be out in sunny weather for several days in a row; also, in Oddwickshire, these times get even longer thanks to the omnipresent fog that filters the sunlight; however, the burns are bad and take a long time to heal
  • Silver - works on most vampires (it burns their skin and it’s poisonous for them), but a few nobles are immune to it
  • decapitation - only when you use a silver weapon or apply silver before the head attaches itself back to the body
  • A wild rose placed on the coffin - prevents weaker vampires from leaving
  • Sage in all forms - repels all vampires, but the stronger the vampire is, the higher amount of sage it takes
  • Anti-vampire magic - it’s a very old magic art, nowadays practically forgotten, from days before humans and vampires became friends. Although, there is one person who knows it… Just in case...

Vampires see the governing Duke or Duchess as their King or Queen, and while they do acknowledge the official monarch and abide by their orders (especially since Her Insane Majesty became the official monarch), their true loyalty will always belong to their own ruler.

Callidora, Duchess of Quirkmore

[Image: 4e80ecc5147ab450c64cbb2cf5f0101c.jpg]

Quirkmore was ruled and protected by vampires for a long time. In exchange, they were allowed to feed on humans (as long as their food sources gave prior consent). Callidora is the last ruler from the very old clan of Dukes of Quirkmore.

She’s very young, only 19 years old, and she inherited the title because of somewhat tragic reasons - shortly after the Queen’s coronation, one of neighboring countries decided to start war by killing the previous Duke and Duchess, who were on official visit there. The nobleman who was their host (and was commissioned with the murder) decided to burn them in sunlight, luckily, he didn’t know it would take a few days to kill them this way, and so they were saved in time and the poor nobleman was found dead in his bed with extremely terrified ex³pression on his face. It’s a real mystery, because all the guards have sworn they didn’t see anyone who could sneak in, save their Graces and scare their host to death, not even a shadow escaped the sights of the hawk-eyed guards…
Needless to say, not a hint of war followed.

So their Graces are alive, but they got burnt very badly, and they have to remain in their bat forms until they recover, which might take years. But other than that, they’re quite happy and very proud of their daughter, who’s handling her new responsibilities with authority and poise.

Callidora is incredibly powerful noble vampire, one of the most dangerous creatures in the kingdom, some even say she could challenge Her Insane Majesty and actually have a chance to overpower her. She looks the part, but her personality is the complete opposite. She’s sweet, kind, gentle, caring, and she has no desire to rule over people, she takes her position as a responsibility, she thinks that having her vast powers (aside from the usual set, she can shapeshift into or control any kind of bird or reptile, walk on the water, manipulate the wind and and call forth storms) means having the duty to use them for the benefit of her people. And the people of Quirkmore love her! Some of them in rather peculiar ways, though…

The Blood Bank Squad

The Blood Bank Squad is Callidora’s fanclub that formed completely spontaneously when she reached the age of 17. It’s a group of young and also not-so-young men who unreservedly adore her, and they made being Callidora’s servants/food the main purpose of their lives. They’re very insistent about the food part. Callidora finds it somewhat awkward and, to be perfectly honest, sticky. The problem is, she needs blood, and she’s always felt bad for asking for it, so taking it from guys who actively offer it seems like the least harmful option…

Her Insane Majesty promised to establish a blood bank where volunteers could donate their blood and the vampires could get it neatly packed from there, without all the socially awkward biting business, but until then, Callidora will have to make do with her fanclub.

So now she basically has her own SM club, even though she never asked for it...

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by neon_jellyfish - 08-02-2019, 04:13 AM

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