Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
(08-07-2019, 07:41 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Ooh, it would be interesting to know what happened to his village and if his magic had something to do with it

(08-07-2019, 09:27 AM)Alliecat Wrote: And I wonder if your story world already has an ex-planation for what happened to his village, and if we'll find out...

(08-07-2019, 07:23 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: Ooh, did his magic manifest the day the rest of the village disappear and he was somehow the cause if it?

A lost triplet?  But wouldn’t he be much younger than the twins?  (Or am I thinking that because Isul is the younger brother of Pullip?)

I have a rough draft of what happened in the village, it's based on a weird dream I had a while ago, but I didn't work out the details yet. Basically, it's the location, it takes/eats/maybe something else people (and anything else that lives there) once in a while. This kind of thing happens periodically there, although in very long intervals (like decades or even centuries, not sure yet).

Crow's talent for magic played a different role - it allowed him to subconsciously sense the danger through a dream and sleepwalk into safe distance. His magic didn't need awakening or anything, it was always there, it's just that this village wasn't big on education, so he didn't have a chance to find out about it and learn anything when he was there.

Lejays, he isn't really G&G's lost triplet, the people from the circus just like to say that, because he has the same personality as the twins.

(08-07-2019, 08:05 AM)Elfy Wrote: Like others I’m also curious about how/why he’s magical.

There's no special reason behind that, Oddwickshire simply has a a lot of inhabitants with natural talent for magic. Since the whole underground is full of magic, most of what people eat and drink has a small amount of magic in it. After millennia of living here, magic became part of people's (and other creatures') DNA and some individuals develop a talent for manipulating it, they just need to practice to be able to use it at will.

(08-07-2019, 11:15 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote:
Quote:Of course I didn't ex²pect you to forget, but it's really not part of Oddwickshire, and I feel stupid for doing this to my character. It was meant to be just a little out-of-verse joke about his unmanageable outfit, but it somehow became all he can ever be on this forum. I wish I didn't post it.

Maybe you should hand wave it as the circus is so popular it inspires fan fiction smile

I know you've posted pictures of Ciarán before, but this is the first time I've noticed the plume on his hat!

Yes, he has, his outfit is pretty accurate rendition of the anime one, although I wish they made it from fabric, I'm not very good at maintaing real feathers...

(08-07-2019, 01:11 PM)davidd Wrote: But we love him for it. It would be interesting if he had somehow acquired an "enchanted" item of clothing that he has not yet learned to master. The could be a secret reason that he spends so much time reading about magic.

But if if the SuperWhirlyTwirlinator was a "one-off" gag that is not part of the in-universe character, and if you'd prefer we not mention it in the context of Oddwickshire, I would understand and respect that.

But please do not regret having made the Twirlinator posts. They brought a lot of fun and laughter to the forum.

It's not that I don't want you to mention it, of course not (I'm very opposed to people censoring themselves for other than very serious reasons (like maybe don't joke about death on a funeral unless you know for sure the mourning family and the dearly departed themselves would appreciate it*), so I would never ask for it), I just feel like I've killed the character before even introducing him. It's definitely my fault, I shouldn't have done anything with him before introducing him, he was Crow in my head before the whole Superwhirlytwirlinator thing, but that of course isn't the case for you guys, since I took so long to post the intros (because translating to English combined with my hunt-and-peck typing style always takes centuries to get done). I just didn't imagine that stupid little joke like that would totally overwrite the original character, so I thought it was OK to post an unrelated, well, not even a story, that was based on a momentary frustration with the doll's hellish pants. So yeah, sorry to disappoint, but Superwhirlytwirlinator isn't part of Oddwickshire.

*on a perfectly unrelated note, our family's funerals tend to be quite funny. My great-grandfather was 6' 5", but his casket was about 5' 5", so they either cut him into pieces or the body inside belonged to someone else. My family never found out what happened (displaying the body in open casket before funeral was never a thing here, so nobody has actually seen him on the day of the funeral). My grandfather's corpse slapped one of the undertakers when they came to pick up the body. There's a spiral staircase in that house and they were carrying him out head first, so his arm slipped from under the sheet (they didn't put him in a body bag for some reason) and hit the poor guy's head. Grandpa was tall and had big arms (just like his father in the suspiciously small coffin), so it was quite a whack LOL
My other (also deceased) grandfather's sister tends to illegally change the inscriptions on his gravestone (the grave is for storing ashes of his and grannie's families, and the slightly crazy auntie Evžena hired someone to erase grannie's family's name from it). She also quite regularly takes urns away from it only to put them back after a while. I wonder if she's a necromancer or something. I also wonder if she'd be willing to teach me a thing or two.

Day 219

Iaso Feverfew

[Image: 3a5330389f20e261d03ca68b2d09918d.jpg]

Iaso is local doctor. Local in the whole Oddwickshire. Somehow, she’s always nearby when you need her. She looks like a 12-year-old, but she’s much older, she’s been around since time immemorial. She doesn’t age, she doesn’t change, she’s always been here - little girl with weird surgical mask and extraordinary medical bag full of scary secrets. Her methods are very unconventional, but very effective. When she says she’ll heal someone, she will. Only now and then she’ll say there’s nothing she can do, and then it’s off to Schwarzgrab Funeral Home.
Iaso loves rain. She never misses a chance to dance in it or to catch raindrops with her tongue.

* * *

On one of her investigation raids, Eteri found a stone with carving of a little girl oddly similar to Iaso in what looked like ruins of some primitive temple. Based on her research, Eteri thinks that the stone piece was part of altar devoted to ancient goddess of healing. But the resemblance might just be a fluke, one can never be sure with these avant-garde art styles from long lost past...

And that's it! No more exhausting walls of bad English! This is all I have, and I don't think I'll have much to add in the future. I want to shell the remaining characters, but I'm not sure if something new will happen. That will greatly depend on Groove producing new must-have dolls, but lately, even if I'm hyped for a new release at first, I never end up liking it enough to buy the doll... We'll see.

Congratulations on surviving the tour around Oddwickshire!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by neon_jellyfish - 08-08-2019, 12:33 AM

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