Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019!
(09-08-2019, 01:08 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: Big Moana is so pretty! She looks really well-made!

One of the extra awesome things about Moana? She's got a slightly thicker body than the other Disney dolls - they did attempt to keep her in line with her animated self. I know that sounds so silly to be excited about, but considering the majority of fashion dolls are all within the same relative size of each other, and the Disney Princess line the only really differences come from face sculpts, this difference is huge.

(09-08-2019, 03:28 AM)davidd Wrote: From what I can tell from your photo of the in-box figure, this looks like the nicest Moana figure I have seen!

As for Moana being a shelf-sitter compared to the Frozen characters, that was the case here even with the mass-market playline dolls. Frozen, and particularly Elsa, became some kind of mania, to the detriment of all other dolls and figures from any franchise or manufacturer. I don't understand it, m'self. When I finally watched the movie, I found it kind of meh. And Anna was actually the heroine and the star, not Elsa. I guess there's something about sexy blonde evil (although she wasn't actually evil) chicks that appeals to... kids, adults... I guess, everybody

Anyway, I want you to take your Cinderella... I must admit to feeling somewhat disappointed to learn that she is not actually a "Malibu Cinderella" with a golden-bronze tan... figure outside on to the back... porch? Patio? Verandah? Stoop? Deck? Portico? Piazza? Garden? Yard? ... well, outside, under the beautifully diffused-by-constant-overcast Scotland skies and snap a pic under what passes for natural light in your dreary northern latitude so I can see the "color-changing effect" of different lighting conditions. Pretty-please and thank you!

((Largely unrelated: I see that there is a new Addams Family animated film scheduled for October release here in the States. Will it be opening over there as well? Have you seen the trailers? What do you think?))

Honestly, I think Disney have been overplaying the Frozen mania far too much. When it comes down to it, the story isn't that unique in their catalogue - as you mentioned Lilo and Stitch, I will point out that the emotional crux of that film was centered entirely on the sisters. Even the non-romance focus of Frozen wasn't new - Brave did it the year previously and actually better to my mind - Anna still ends up in a relationship, Merida remains single. Even the suitors thing in Brave was Pixar deliberately riffing on 90's Disney Princess tropes - in Aladdin, Jasmine setting her pet tiger on a prince looking to win her hand was just a comedic aside, and her opposing tradition is see as such a good thing. In Brave, Merida trying to oppose tradition almost causes war. You know, like it actually would.

I will attempt to Cinderella outside and get pictures. This 'summer' has not actually been great weather wise, and the few days that have been okay, I've sadly been too busy with so much other stuff to get anyone outside and get photographs taken. We're not getting the sun long enough to set up for any type of photography - even stuff in my back garden. I mean, typical of Scotland, really, but I was really hopeful to get some stuff done this year. 

((We've got an October release date too. Overall thoughts.... It feels like a by the numbers plot that you would guess people would use for Addams Family media - OH NO, SOMEONE NORMAL HAS MADE FRIENDS WITH US! Frankly, the musical played it in a more interesting way if only because they completely subverted what people would have ex.pected from Wednesday Addams falling in love, and also Lucas Beineke is a delightful addition to the cast of characters really. I do appreciate that they have chosen to animate using the old New Yorker comic strip designs. Voice acting... hit and miss. Some would work better as live action versions of the characters. Overall? ... I think I will get a giggle or two, but I'm not ex.pecting anything much.))

(09-08-2019, 08:46 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: All the LE dolls you’ve shown recently are gorgeous.  And Cinderella really does lokk like she’s got a deep tan, so it’s interesting you say is a product of the light you’ve taken the pic in.

If I get a day that is even slightly better than it is right now, I will move to an area that has much better natural lighting and try to get a clearer picture of her.

(09-08-2019, 11:19 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Ooooo... I would definitely take her out of the box.  I really liked a lot of the movie... the animation was just gorgeous.  The Polynesian theme, the music; not so much the little "creatures", but... I should watch it again.
Cinderella looks quite mature here.  And again, maybe just the lighting, but she looks a little angry? LOL

LOL, honestly for my LEs, I really love how they look in the box, so there isn't as much drive to debox. It helps that for Moana, they did actually create a nice 'scene' for her in-box, so that she does come across as more of a display piece. (Actually, I have seen parents buy these dolls for young children to play with. At the cheapest, these LE dolls start at maybe £72 in the UK. Generally they're more around the £100 mark. That... does not scream child's play toy to me...)

Cinderella is based on the live action portrayal by Lily James. For some odd reason, all the Disney dolls made her look a little angry. It makes no sense - Lily James' portrayal of the character was always cheerful, or at least always putting a smile on to face the world. If this had been a doll of Lily James' take on Elizabeth Bennet then the anger would make sense. I will just not understand the choices here. 

(09-08-2019, 02:12 PM)Elfy Wrote: That Moana looks fantastic.

She is a fantastic doll. 

- - - 

251: The Hot Toys Line Up
[Image: 59733763_d23ff73af453dd3999014485af81a8c7_standard.jpg]
As Allie asked for it, here's Kylo-Ben with Diana and Rey. As we can see, he's just ever so fractionally taller than Diana - mostly because actor Adam Driver is crazy tall. Does mean there is an accurate height difference between him and Rey, which is always good for photo-stories and the like, even if it can make making it look like they are looking at each other a bit harder. 

He's on a TrueType body, so there is visible articulation. Or rather, there is if you can get his outfit off as he actually has the bulkiest and most layered stock of them. I really should take a picture of him with my Medicom Anakin, because it's honestly just hitting me now that there is a deliberate similarity of look between them. I mean, more than the inherent ridiculous nature of Kylo trying to emulate the worst parts of his Grandfather, that is. 

Diana still wins as being the heaviest of the figures, largely due to her internal steel skeleton.

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RE: Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019! - by werepuppy - 09-09-2019, 12:47 AM

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