(09-29-2019, 02:39 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: I also love Mad Madam Mim!!! She's one of my role models
Congrats on both the haul and saving a lot of money for next Hot Toys figure or some other nice doll!
That's a New Scaremester Catty from 2014.
Brilliant role model!
Honestly, I'm genuinely surprised? I don't know if the money will go to anything. I mean, there are a few things on my want list (on the first page of this thread) that I could put the money towards, but at the moment my brain is just "..." blanking on which - if any - it would be.
Oh, thank you! I did think her outfit seemed a bit understated for Catty. That it's meant to be something she wears to school actually ex.plains it pretty well.
(09-29-2019, 03:13 AM)davidd Wrote: The Catwalk Kitties heads look purr-fect on the MH bodies!
You attended a comic con today? Sounds like fun, even if you didn't spend much money. Perhaps especially since you didn't spend much money!
Mad Madam Mim... I know the name, but my brain wasn't connecting, so Internet search, and... The Sword in the Stone. There's a Disney film that doesn't get mentioned very often.
Munkustrap works surprisingly well, it's almost as if that had been her original body all along. (Still on the look out for some actual Catwalk Kitties to add, not these customs, but wow the prices...)
The truth is looking around all the stalls, nothing really jumped out at me. Plus, a couple of stalls that are usually there for some reason weren't, and that did limit my options when looking for things. On the plus side, it wasn't just stall after stall of Funko POPs though, which was a nice change.
This is true. It's one of the Disney films that will get the live action treatment and... Okay, not going to lie? I actually think this might be one of the few that benefits from it. Even if it's just the whole having a longer run-time so they can tell more of the story. (Look this is one of those films that is a bit more accurate to the book it was based on than people realise - the sword was in an anvil, after all...)
(09-29-2019, 11:49 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Congrats on the new arrivals. They look happy with their new digs.
Aw, thank you! I need to take a picture of all my cats actually... the Hujoo and the Monster High ones. I have surprisingly few dogs. Apparently cats are the most popular anthro dolls.
(09-29-2019, 05:27 PM)Jubilee Wrote: I said it because they usually always had clothes that would be mismatched at times and use bright colors(in the sitcoms).I think the outfit you made is not really something I would make my doll wear. But the clothes and the way the doll is posed shows lots of personality.
Honestly? It doesn't work for any other of my dolls but Hayley. As she is a kid, I think it means she gets away with a bit more compared to my other girls.
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272: Modelling
![[Image: 60542018_f29e25a490f19802eb8e7fc1b29c4c66_standard.jpg]](http://www.23hq.com/23666/60542018_f29e25a490f19802eb8e7fc1b29c4c66_standard.jpg)
This is Hayley's coverall, but I wanted to see how it looked on one of the bigger girls. Olivia is always happy to help out.