PrettyTiny Film Company -- Alliecat's crew (Mar. 4: Welcome Kit!)
Thanks, all.  
I've never had so many mini butterflies other years.   I don't know if it's genetic or a result of being the last very slow-growing stragglers in colder weather.

I've managed to cram in some Halloween photos, but not as many as I'd like to have done thanks to a too-busy week, then I fell down the stairs today & almost sprained my ankle Cry  It's very sore, but I can walk, ... don't know if I'll be able to tomorrow, which is disaster because I have way too much to do the next 3 days Cry
Anyway, here are the latest pix from PTFCo.

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Dal crew helping carve the pumpkin.

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Penny & Scarlett checking out the pumpkin-guts loaf, which was perfect this year -- woohoo!  Given how many fabulous yummy things you can make with ALL the parts of a pumpkin, I'm mildly outraged at how much good stuff gets wasted every Halloween.

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And after the group shot featured over on the pic-a-week thread, Cherie's gorgeous face said, once again, "take my picture!"  LOL

[Image: 48989515177_62abf9441c_z.jpg]
I mean, seriously, how fabulous is she!  

Thanks for looking smile
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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (new Oct. 30) - by Alliecat - 10-31-2019, 03:29 PM

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