11-06-2019, 12:24 AM
(11-05-2019, 02:54 AM)davidd Wrote: Oooooohhhh!!!!!!![]()
What an out of this world Novi Stars pic!
Hehe, thank you! I thought you'd like it. I have to take more pics of my Novis, they're so cute.
(11-05-2019, 02:59 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Oh, there's such a sci-fi vibe here! Like the kind of horror movie style one where you don't know what the alien is going to do...
Oh, don't worry, this is a good alien who came to save silly Earthlings from the evil alien whose ship they looted because they thought it was abandoned but ooops, it wasn't. The evil alien melts because it can't handle Gail Lexi's cuteness.
(11-05-2019, 09:03 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: So cool!
Thank you!
(11-05-2019, 12:19 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Fun sci-fi-looking shot.
It's sad to see all the flowers dying and freezingBut you did get a pretty warm-looking shot here.
Thanks! Yeah, it was a very unpleasant surprise, but there are a few plants that survived, and some that will probably come back to life in spring, so it's not as bad as it could be. It does look warm, doesn't it? It was cold, but sunny. And Briar makes every picture look warm.
(11-05-2019, 03:05 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: What a lovely tradition, and it’s a beautiful graveyard/cemetery. The candles really set the atmosphere as a bit spooky but serene at the same time.
Even losing the light, they are still beautiful shots. Your cemetary looks a lot different to ours.
(I’ve visited a lot of small village/town cemeteries here on holidays - they are almost always dry & dusty and uncared for.)
Thank you! All Souls' Day is one of reasons I love autumn so much! I loved going to cemeteries even before we were put in charge of family grave. That specific cemetery is quite special, but we have several beautiful ones around here. Only the modern ones aren't so pretty, they lack atmosphere.
Day 309 - Finally Halloween
So I finally got to do the thing I wanted to do on Halloween. Remei is going to show you a ghost of a cemetery. Ghosts in a cemetery are quite a common thing, but this one is a ghost of a cemetery, lingering in its place a century after the cemetery itself met its demise.
![[Image: e1e5f240a2ed26dfb294710bfe51c3da.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e1/e5/f2/e1e5f240a2ed26dfb294710bfe51c3da.jpg)
Hello! Isn't it great that my first and my second proper photoshoot both took place in a cemetery? I think it's awesome!
This cemetery was founded in 1842, and closed in 1902, due to lack of space and health concerns. I didn't find what health concerns exactly, but I'm guessing contamination of groundwater, because the cemetery wasn't just closed, all the graves were relocated to another cemetery. Most of them were moved in 1902-1903, then, after a long pause (during which the cemetery became a bona fide jungle), the last remains were exhumed and buried elsewhere in 1942-1943 (years ending with 'two' seem to be a theme with this place). The cemetery was then forgotten for decades, but two years ago, it was renovated, it received the status of cultural monument of Czech Republic and is now protected by law. Which is great, my Owner was afraid the plot would be sold and something awful would be built there, so we're glad that didn't happen.
![[Image: e9afb1305f0efc93eb146b4919e04434.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e9/af/b1/e9afb1305f0efc93eb146b4919e04434.jpg)
See? Empty. There are a lot of abandoned graveyards in Prague, and a lot of those completely buried under new buildings, but this grave-less one is unique.
![[Image: 487733c2fcfc849d1a413490c3804321.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/48/77/33/487733c2fcfc849d1a413490c3804321.jpg)
Oh, and the thing I'm sitting on isn't a grave, it's a pedestal that used to support a cast-iron cross. A lot of Czech cemeteries have their center marked by a cross. We'll get to the fate of the cross later. Right behind me is a tiny morgue.
![[Image: 6867a79924a0d679c23aaaee2bd5ec39.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/67/a7/6867a79924a0d679c23aaaee2bd5ec39.jpg)
It was about to collapse, so it's a good thing they fixed it, but to be perfectly honest, it looked better with the old crumbling plasterwork (I've seen some pictures).
![[Image: 68206ce9d6025848ac404ab650968f67.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/20/6c/68206ce9d6025848ac404ab650968f67.jpg)
At least they kept the original shape of the windows.
![[Image: 98ceaf381c166644d05f3a1b59862958.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/98/ce/af/98ceaf381c166644d05f3a1b59862958.jpg)
Now it stores a few old gravestones. Please ignore the cup under my hand, someone put a candle in there, probably on All Souls' Day, and for some reason, they used plastic cup, and surprise surprise, it melted. I tried to remove it, but it's basically soldered to the floor. Now, back to the cross!
![[Image: 2d8cce512178c84da82e2d36bc28bdb4.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2d/8c/ce/2d8cce512178c84da82e2d36bc28bdb4.jpg)
It's right there, see? I guess you don't...
![[Image: d19f6c7228947c1ea0404780ebf741c7.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/9f/6c/d19f6c7228947c1ea0404780ebf741c7.jpg)
There it is. You have to force your way through a coniferous jungle, but it's worth it. It was still on its pedestal in 1943, but then they decided to move it too, someone took it down, leant it against this tree, and then they forgot about it and never moved it to its new place. It remained here, no gale or blizzard was strong enough to knock it over, and the tree just kept growing around it, slowly taking it in. I wonder how many years it will take for it to sink into the tree trunk completely...
![[Image: 0e906a2fc720373d67fe0e00fb167841.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0e/90/6a/0e906a2fc720373d67fe0e00fb167841.jpg)
And that's it! I hope you liked this little tour around a place that both does and doesn't exist!
Neon here. I wanted these photos to look ghostly, so I'm using filtered ones. Here are two unfiltered samples:
![[Image: 2f98b1ed77fb9c62168f0271df59154a.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2f/98/b1/2f98b1ed77fb9c62168f0271df59154a.jpg)
![[Image: 9813dca53d4669f20f9f5e1c4ab00342.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/98/13/dc/9813dca53d4669f20f9f5e1c4ab00342.jpg)
And a bonus photo from 1943, with last remaining graves and the cross in its original place (the photo was taken from the morgue).
![[Image: bf048508ad6e3c5e652879b31010cd08.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bf/04/85/bf048508ad6e3c5e652879b31010cd08.jpg)