Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019!
(11-08-2019, 02:09 AM)davidd Wrote: Basil conveys an amazing level of attitude with his insouciant slouch.

(And this is the only time in my life that the word "insouciant" instantly sprang to mind as a descriptor. Basil is the personification of insouciance!)

His being insouciant does fit fairly well with my idea of him being a bit of a young detective wiz-kid. Also wow, that's not a word I've heard in a while but this is a really good use of it! 

(11-08-2019, 03:38 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: Comparisons are always interesting, and this whole group is just too cute! Except for Ademetus. He's rad.

I mean, I think he's cute, too, but I don't want to upset him.

It's okay, you can call Ademetus cute. He'll probably be too busy climbing stuff to notice what you said :Tongue

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312: New Costume
[Image: 61915579_a846e5040198862f6caf4d88151f3a35_standard.jpg]
We Will Rock You currently have a UK and US tours going on.  In the UK production, Scaramouche has recieved a new first act costume. Of course, my doll version had to get an approximation of it. I think I need to make the shorts longer, and I really should try to get the graphic work on the top done but ... overall it's not too bad?

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RE: Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019! - by werepuppy - 11-09-2019, 12:51 AM

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