May (the 2020 Quarantine End Soon) Scavenger Hunt
Ooh, I think I've got the clues... brilliant, puzzley idea smile

In the meantime, still catching up on the other prompts...

18) Shadow

[Image: 50054560007_acae50e4af_z.jpg]Arturo7 by tisue999, on Flickr

23) Nocturnal creature

[Image: 50054560972_ccb836b724_z.jpg]Kingsley5 by tisue999, on Flickr

24) Grimoire or spooky book
I went with J.A. White's The Thickety because it's super creepy and it's where I first learned the word "grimoire."

[Image: 50054560507_d8e9dac6ee_z.jpg]Lucy7 by tisue999, on Flickr

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RE: May (the 2020 Quarantine End Soon) Scavenger Hunt - by dargosmydaddy - 06-29-2020, 12:23 AM

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